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50 - Sunni

Western Cape, South Africa

Mar 31, 2020 22:41

Slms, I'm a 46 year old divorced muslim. I have been in corporate for most part of my career, I was retrenched and currently working half day.

So I have always been independent, living on my own with my children, however circumstances changed when my dad passed away and I made the decision to move back home with my mom.

I am very family orientated, not a social media butterfly and very content with my life. I am deeni, spiritual, friendly, easy-going. I like to laugh and be around people with a positive can-do nature.

I love children, young, old doesn't matter. I also value my alone-time. I have always been an honest and loyal person by nature, I love researching and reading on human behaviour, psychology of people and things, natural healing, etc. I value the same as I give, honesty, integrity, generosity, gentleness, kindness, smiles,appreciation for life and Allah's creation, and value the little things in life and of course a good friend to share life's journey with insh ameen.



Age: 21 / sunni

Western Cape
South Africa


Age: 54 / sunni

Western Cape
South Africa


Age: 26 / other

Western cape
South Africa


Age: 49 / sunni

Western Cape
South Africa