

23 - Sunni

SD, Pakistan

May 3, 2020 15:49

I'm a student from a middle class family living in Pakistan. I'm interested in historical characters, events and places especially World War (WW) and Ottoman Empire. It's my wish to visit Turkey especially Istanbul, Cappadocia and Gallipoli to experience the emotions which i felt while studying and watching about Turkey. I want to a budget traveller and to travel around the globe.
I also watch movies usually those movies which are based on WW, my list includes:
Saving Private Ryan, Fury, Defience, Allied, Inglourious Basterds, The Pianist, 1917, Unbroken, Dunkirk, The Imitation Game, Downfall, Pearl Harbor.

Other movies includes:
Murder on the Orient Express, Panic Room, The Godfather, Inception, The Founder,The Dark Knight Rises, The Wolf of Wall Street etc.

My Netflix shows and movies includes:
The Stranger, Rise of Empires: Ottoman, Taj Mahal 1989, The Irishman, Messiah, The King, Triple Froniter

I don't like the things scattered around me because my theory is "When Things outside are scattered, the things inside you are scattered as well".
I think a man should make some money but he should not only make money throughout his precious life. He should do something good so that he will not only be remembered till the end of the world but Allah will have mercy on him on the day of judgment.

My role models are Umer ibn Khattab, Sultan Mehmed Fatih, Tipu Sultan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah