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24 - Sunni

Wisconsin, United States

Mar 12, 2021 19:27

Salam, how can we explain someone fully in a couple words? . -I currently work at a behavioral health hospital working with patients of various disorders. I am currently pursuing a masters in Psychology following a PsyD (P.H.D) inshallah. I have done certifications in a couple Islamic sciences/programs, Ism Milwaukee and Darussalam Chicago over the summers. My plan is to start alemi soon inshallah and if Allah wills, find someone who can encourage me and help me with that goal. Alhamdulillah I've been blessed with the opportunity to teach Quran and Islamic studies -Arabic for 7 years now at different madrasahs for kids 4 years to adulthood and alhamdulillah it's been gr8! The best of you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches, the words of my Rasulullah. I believe a man's job is to provide for his family as that is the greatest form of sadaqah!. Im so blessed to be Muslim and wanna share that blessing with her inshallah.
My friends would describe me as an outgoing person, people confide in me and open up to me a lot and usually feel they can relate to me. Qiraat and nasheeds mean a lot to me.. In this day and age, the most important thing is to keep Deen nd Duniya balanced. All things aside, I am on a quest to look for my wife inshallah, that's my main purpose in life after Allah to love and take care of her always in every way. These things are in the hands of Allah but if it comes it comes inshallah. I'm def the hopeless romantic type - people say they were born to do this to do that but I say my first and main job is to be the best husband I can as the role model prophet (s) then the rest of the world comes... That's my main full time job inshallah which I can't wait and love to be. I am looking for someone who shares the same values as me, and religion holds a big part In their life with salah and everything. Also family oriented is important to me. Reciting Quran together, praying salah together ENTERING JANNAH TOGETHR?! THOSE ARE GOALSS Inshallah Allah decides for us and can't wait to see whats in store-

If Allah has chosen us he will unite us what is distance in this planet?


Abdul Basir

Age: 40 / sunni

United States


Age: 44 / sunni

United States


Age: 29 / sunni

United States


Age: 42 / sunni

United States


Age: 28 / sunni

United States