

33 - Sunni

Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Jan 11, 2020 19:27

Assalamu alaikum wa rahamtulahi wa barakatu

I am not what is written or what i appear to be,
this is just my impression of an impression of me.

I am a revert to Islam, as I re embraced Islam at university after tasting the perils of British culture. Although I have always been in touch with Islam due to African heritage I didn’t really know what it meant to be muslim until my early twenties. So my values and standards come from a mix of African and British heritage, however I have learned over time to make Islamic values take precedence over any conflicting cultural practices or understandings.

I would consider myself as a committed Muslim, as my day revolves around offering the five prayers as much as possible in the mosque, so therefore I would plan my activities around prayer and not the other way around. Furthermore when I can I attend classes in my locality to increase in my knowledge and practice and to be constantly reminded of the hereafter, when money and time allow I will go on educational retreats. Additionally, I do follow a path of personal purification which involves abandoning the sins of the seven organs, the mind and finally the heart and trying to develop the prophetic character.

I am in love with the Arabic language and that is an understatement, alhamduliah I’ve been studying it privately and with teachers for over two years and can understand a lot of Quran, khutbahs and videos and I have just started recently writing my thoughts in Arabic.
The Arabic language is an integral part of my life. Therefore I'm aspiring to be able to speak Arabic in my own home.

Regarding my family I am the third oldest out of my five siblings, we are a close family who meet up frequently on Eids and other occasions to maintain the ties of kinship. I myself am a father of two children and I take their upbringing and their tarbiyah very seriously. Like everything in my life I have their Islamic education, schools I wish them to attend planned.

I believe strongly that if your not improving your declining therefore I like to improve in all areas of my life.

I'm very passionate about psychology/counselling, health/ wellbeing.

My hobbies are reading in Arabic and English, taking day trips to parks, theme parks, watching documentaries and spending time with family. I do love nature, but I will never go to a beach in the day time except if it is a segregated or it is at night when people are dressed decently.

Furthermore i love intellectual discussions on topics like philosophy, psychology, sociology, human behavior i am quiet a deep thinker and a reflective person.

I would say i am kind, considerate and compassionate by the grace of Allah and confident. I am a man that wears his heart on his sleeve and is not afraid to express his emotions. I am committed to whoever will be my spouse and hold their hand to the end whatever storms come our.

What can i give as a husband companionship, spiritual advice and guidance as alhamdulialh I have knowledge on ways of perfecting the character and soul. Someone to help in learning the arabic language and knowledge of deen. Lastly emotional support someone who will be the shoulder for you to lean on and guard your secrets to the grave.

Furthermore I a teacher and a lifecoach can build a good relationship with any children you have or may have in the future.

My faults, I have many firstly I struggle with managing my time and completing deadlines on time regarding work. Also I would say that I can be a bit messy, which I am working on cleaning after myself. I’d also say that I can be a bit of a house hermit, but I am happy to socialise and take day trips out.

As with age and experience i am becoming more firm on my principles and knowing who I am and exactly what i want i can be inconsistent...

I want sisters who have a mahram that i can speak to even if it an appointed Imam.



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