

44 - Sunni

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Oct 27, 2019 23:30

Asalaamu'alaikum. I am a practicing Muslim looking for a life partner preferably with Deen in their heart. I did the whole arranged marriage thing but it didn't work out. I live alone, but have two young boys, whom I see on weekends. I trust my fate to Allah ultimately, but have been told to be a bit more proactive, so here I am. I want to share the little things in life like watching TV, meals and going for walks, as well as the big things like holidays abroad and raising a family. I used to play a lot of sports when I was younger, don't have time these days, but I do still go to the gym from time to time.
My ideal spouse will be caring in nature, preferably slim build. Family orientated, and with good Islamic values.



Age: 28 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 33 / sunni

United Kingdom