

55 - Other

Nevada, United States

Sep 29, 2019 03:05

I'm hard working and focused on my goals....first, to please God, then to succeed in what I set my mind and body to. I work daily at being a better person than I was the day before. I'm an arrow-straight alpha male with many talents, many skills, many abilities and many faults. I'm dominant but no dictator, I'm strong but not overbearing, I'm soft hearted but not a bleeding heart, I'm caring and careful, and not careless or carefree. I am serious, but don't take myself to seriously. In all, I simply try to be balanced.

I like to customize cars and race at the track when I can. I enjoy going to the range, both archery and gun. I like to hike and mountain bike. I enjoy writing, working on a book off I ever get it finished. I enjoy building DIY electronics projects, and many other nerd activities. I'm working on adding eight more languages to my English and Spanish cache. Arabic, Swahili, French, Portuguese, Tagalog, Japanese, Chinese, and Hebrew. I'm thinking of pausing the Hebrew and Chinese though, as they are kicking me in the assets.

I'm a science teacher at a charter middle school academy during the day, and teach algebra at private high school in the late afternoon. I am former law enforcement and former military. I am a black belt of San Soo Kung Fu, a father of four awesome adults. Of my many attributes, none are as valuable as being a father and a son of the most high God.

My sense of humor is corny and nerdy but it is me, "dad jokes" apparently. I'm not good with superficiality or fake or putting up fronts, as I think it is better to be yourself up front than hide it for later, and it takes way to much energy to pretend to be something I'm not.

My philosophical beliefs, we call religion, can only be best described as Abrahamaic or Islamic-Christian (meaning Christian+Jew+Muslim = me). Having said that, I'm not religious (man's way), but I am deeply spiritual (God's way).

Politically, I am independent as I see no logical reason to apply a particular party mentality to every situation, so in this whom ever or what ever is the best solution regardless of politically party is my view.

My race is human, I like my women to be the same. My genetic ethnicity is mixed (African American, Puerto Rican, Cherokee, and French). If I must be framed, then I affiliate as a African American, key word American.

Simply put, I want a woman I am not just attracted to physically but spiritually, intellectually, and psychologically. I'm not picking but I'm very discerning...I'm easy to please but hard to impress. By the way, I am actually 51yo. I can't change the DOB without deleting and starting over, and to be honest I don't want to bother with it, as well I prefer a youthful appearing mate anyway as I am in great health and want someone that is the same. Nonetheless, if you made it this far through my expound and are still awake, I thank you for reading.



Age: 25 / sunni

United States


Age: 36 / sunni

United States


Age: 63 / sunni

United States


Age: 53 / sunni

United States