

33 - Sunni

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Nov 26, 2019 12:11

Salam everyone,

I'm 28 years old, i'm Asian British (whatever that is), but more importantly i am Muslim.

I am a very outgoing and spontaneous person who loves getting lost and going on adventures of all sorts.

I love trying things i have never done and have a fear of with Allah's will. I am a very patient person with all people from all walks of life. Allhumdulliah Allah has blessed me with such an open mind, i scare myself sometimes haha.

I love sports (shocker, a man loves sports). Cricket and Tennis are the best, Cricket being Asian....another shocker.

I have a BSc in Psychology and Inshallah hope to continue by doing my Masters eventually. I have worked for the NHS but the past year i was out of work for a personal issue.

I like to remain humble and modest as possible. I love my fashion and my family. I enjoy all things in life and shan't fault anyone for any mistake they commit.



Age: 33 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 28 / sunni

United Kingdom