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31 - Sunni

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Mar 30, 2019 12:00


I am a loving cheerful hijabi completed MSc Management at the University of Manchester. I worked in IBM for a year before I decided to do Masters. MashaAllah. After marriage, I am totally fine being a homemaker and take care of the family if thats what my future husband prefers, inshaAllah

About my character, if you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you that I am down-to-earth, humble , kind, polite, caring, non-judgemental and understanding person. Alhamdulillah

Btw, I don't really like to argue, I would rather lose in an argument than ruining a relationship with someone. Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "I guarantee a house in Jannah for one who gives up arguing,even if he is in the right. So, I dont mind being a LOSER in arguments in this dunya because I wanna be a WINNER in akhirat and live like a Queen in my house in Jannah..hehehe.. inshaALLAH.

About my practise of islam, I pray 5 times and read Quran everyday and I try to do tahajjud ( Qiyamulail ) prayers almost everyday, MashaAllah. I love to listen to Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, Mufti Menk's and Nouman Ali Khan's talks. I am currently learning Quranic Tafseer from Bayyinah Institute YouTube videos and my favourite Tafseer is from Surah Al-Kahf. I always strive to be a better and positive person everyday. I love to read self-help and motivational books to improve myself . Currently im taking two online courses to prepare myself for married life ; Islamic Marriage course and Parenting in Islam course. I am also reading a book about the Art of Interpersonal Relations as exemplified by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from which I learned a lot about islamic relationship development and maintenance.

I enjoy badminton, scuba diving, hiking, kayaking, camping, zip-lining and other outdoor activities.

I love to cook different kinds of food from around thw world..and of course i can cook any food that my future husband likes (I will learn the recipe from Google..hehe.. and make them for him)

I am living on my own so I do everything myself from ironing clothes to grocery shopping and I can also take care of cute kitties ...

I LOVE and am good with kids, and inshaAllah I will love and be playful with my future husband as if he is the cutest child for me...hehehe.. as Umar (RA) said: A man should be like a child to his wife.
At home, I sometimes babysit my cousins and I do a lot for them from cleaning them to feeding them. I also often learn about child development because I wanna be a good mother and role model for them.

I love to take part in charity activities and I love the orphans and poor because I believe that a RICH HEART may be under a POOR COAT , I don't judge anyone by their appearance, belief n etc.

I love travelling a lot. I have visited most european countries during my undergraduate years. I love to meet new people and learn new cultures. Recently I went to Palestine and Saudi Arabia for Umrah, Alhamdulillah ...I made LOTS of dua for my future lovely husband and kids at 3 Holy Mosques (Masjidil al-Nabawi, Masjidil Haram and Masjidil Aqsa) and I believe Allah will give me the Best Husband and it could be YOU..( Allahu'Alam)..

Whether it is about my physical beauty or level of deen and character or education and talents, I dont like to think others as inferior to me nor consider myself better than others because im afaid it may lead to arrogance/ pride and as a result I may not enter Jannah as Prophet (S.A.W) said "One will not enter Paradise if one has an atom's weight arrogance in his heart". So, I want a husband who tries his very best to not have arrogance or pride in his heart because my ultimate goal is to go to Jannah with my husband and kids.



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