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45 - Sunni

romania , Romania

Sep 23, 2018 19:15

Some advice from me
Being happy in this dunya?
You have to realise everything that's happening is from Allah.
You don't get depressed
If you forget about Allah you and up getting depressed you think if things are black and they're gloomy and don't know we don't believe this
We believe in happy ending
No matter how bleak it looks out there its dunya you're in the lowest dunya means the lowest place
At dunya we're on the bottom there's only up from here
Really there's only up
This place wallahi all of you I'll give you sincere advice and my self
This place is designed to break your heart it was designed that way, if you looking to be happy in the dunya you're in the wrong place.
Speech. By amazing cheik Yusef Hamza.
Good luck for marriage.