

31 - Sunni

Saudi Arabia , Egypt

Aug 18, 2023 06:30

As Salam Alhykom
I pray every day الحمد لله
I read Quran daily
I studied in Al-Azhar
Speak Arabic and English
Don't smoke
Don't Drink
Don't watch or listen to anything Haram.
My goal is الفردوس الجنة
I can live anywhere where my future wife like.

سبحان الله
لا إله إلا الله
الله أكبر
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد
Looking for serious relationship.
Age is just a number.
Beauty in spirit.
I can teach anyone Arabic for free and also the Quran.
Ask me any questions.
My favorite sports are Swimming, Running and Gymnastics.

Note. Don't ask me to send or receive money.