

35 - Sunni

Tanzania, Tanzania

Nov 16, 2020 00:15

salaam alaykum this is me: simple, sentimental, nature lover, life lover, open minded,good sense of humor, diverse background,I'm a bit sarcastic when you get to really know me , in between modern and old fashioned as well as moderate and conservative if there is such a thing,love kids, family oriented, gone for umrah two times, I am somewhat reserved, understanding , adventurous,(traveling and discovery), pray 5 times a day praise an thanks to allah, fast Ramadhan , read Quran daily, listen to lectures and reminders time to time to keep my Iman on check by mostly Nouman Ali khan, mufti menk, Omar sulaiman and other good shuyukh may Allah have mercy on them. a writer in my spare time. A video gamer as well not hard core just for fun, I even play board and card games, passionate about my deen and I do my best to implement the sunnah in my life, i work hard to become a stronger Muslim. To be fair and objective everyone praises them selves and the only way to be sure is to actually get to know them so I welcome you. inshaallah i wish to find someone soon so i can start a new chapter in my life, bored of living life alone I want to share it with someone, build a family and who has the same zeal of becoming a stronger Muslim, I am a cat lover, a joker when you get to know me. Love road trips, i am from a small island called zanzibar which is one of the most exotic islands in the world located in the east coast of Africa .i am a part time translator for English speaking students from Europe but mostly from the states. Grew up in the states for some time in my life in Boston and Cambridge still have family there , so my mindset is somewhat a mixture of American and sort of Arabic or Islamic I would say, i love the idea of traveling the world and working at the same time to see wonders and learn from different people and cultures all the while learning new languages and making new friends at the same time appreciating the creation of Allah.i wish to have a big fam of my own inshaallah since in my experience it makes a happy family, I can be a book worm depending on the subject of reading. Also just so you know I do not follow traditions which are not part of Islam though it's tough to battle society, as well as mathabs since i struggle to think out of the box.i am more than willing to teach more of islam to my future wife inshaalah or wives what ever the case I do my best to learn what is part of Islam and what is not I am ready to offer my heart, happiness and content life in following the sunnah as best as possible, knowledge in Islam, development and betterment of my spouse. i hope to be a great companion, imam,friend and lover to my future wife(s) , With that said ask me anything you wish to know .



Age: 44 / sunni



Age: 29 / sunni



Age: 26 / sunni



Age: 29 / sunni



Age: 20 / other



Age: 37 / other
