

27 - Sunni

banadir, Somalia

Feb 24, 2024 11:19

My name is hassan from Somali I am single.
As a devout Muslim single actively seeking marriage, you are on a journey to find a compatible partner who shares your faith, values, and vision for the future. Your commitment to Islam shapes every aspect of your life, including your approach to relationships and marriage. You prioritize qualities such as piety, kindness, and compatibility in a potential spouse, understanding that a successful marriage is built on a foundation of mutual respect, understanding, and support.

You approach the process of finding a life partner with sincerity and intentionality, seeking guidance from your faith and community along the way. While you may encounter challenges and setbacks in your search, you remain steadfast in your belief that Allah has a plan for you and that the right person will come into your life at the appointed time.

You understand the importance of communication, compromise, and commitment in a marital relationship, and you are prepared to invest the time and effort necessary to build a strong and fulfilling partnership. As you navigate the complexities of modern dating and courtship, you remain grounded in your faith and trust in Allah's wisdom, knowing that He will guide you to the person who is meant to share your journey through life.



Age: 34 / sunni



Age: 20 / sunni
