

28 - Sunni

Louisiana, United States

May 8, 2024 21:16

A simple girl with a heart of gold just looking for the right man. I'm not picky neither am I uptight. I just want to find love with the right person.. I have learned a lot in life so far and I'm always willing and ready to learn more.. I consider myself an intelligent woman, with great empathy. I put myself in the other person's shoes, sometimes it's good, other times its bad, cos I really tend to care a bit too much...

I love communication and being able to express myself with my friends and my partner... One of the most important things to me is to always be willing to understand, not just listening. I'm very attentive to detail, so I pick up on things that most don't really notice.. Maybe its one of my superpowers .... Graceful and elegant,are what I'd love to call myself.. I love good tastes and I have good tastes too..A Lover of art is who I am and I have a way of seeing the beauty in everything that surrounds me, kinda like always seeing the good part. I'm optimistic by nature, which means I'm a half-full instead of a half-empty kinda lady...

I am a very loyal person in every way possible. I will be there if you need help and so, I like that feeling to be reciprocated. I'm such an animal lover, especially horses, though I get scared to ride them... I really do like to take care of myself, look and feel good. A clean body and a clean environment brings a clean and organized mind... I hate disarray and disharmony... I'm positive and outgoing, without the intention of attracting attention, though it happens cos God really did take His time creating me(as I say:elegance always.. Hehe)... In all these though, I'm humble and down to earth because pride always goes before a fall... I just never forget to say in all things Alhamdulillah....



Age: 19 / sunni

United States


Age: 41 / other

United States