

28 - Sunni

Indiana, United States

Jun 2, 2024 04:21

Assalamualaikum, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. Allow me to introduce myself - Muhammad, a passionate student ofIslamic knowledge and a seeker of a partner who shares a deep connection with their iman.

With 2 years of embracing the beautiful path of Islam, I have dedicated myself to expanding my understanding of history and Islamic studies. My journey has taken me tothe sacred lands of Saudi Arabia, where I immersed myself in the teachings and wisdom of the salaf, the pious predecessors who laid the foundation for our beloved faith.

During my time of study, I have delved into the rich tapestry of Islamic history, learning about the struggles and triumphs of our brothers and sisters. This knowledge has not only deepened my love for Islam but also fortified my commitment to living a life in accordance with the principles and values of our religion.

Now, as I embark on this search for a partner with good iman, I yearn for someone who shares my passion for seeking knowledge and understanding our deen. Together, we can embark on a beautiful journey of spiritual growth, supporting and uplifting each other in a union grounded in Islamic values.

So, if you are a soul with a heart full of iman, ready to embark on a path of love and devotion guided by the light of our faith, I invite you to join me on this beautiful journey as we strive to please Allah and find tranquility in each other's company.

May our paths intersect soon, and may Allah bless us with a profound connection built on love and faith.


Adil Islah

Age: 32 / sunni

United States

Abu Dhar

Age: 39 / sunni

United States


Age: 53 / sunni

United States

serious 4 marriage

Age: 49 / sunni

United States


Age: 52 / sunni

United States


Age: 32 / sunni

United States