

43 - Sunni

Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Nov 21, 2015 09:17

Salam, I am a fun, enthusiastic and lively individual. I love to have a laugh and joke. My friends would describe me as the 'nice one' as I am always there to give advice and listen. My career is important to be, however family life is equally means a lot. We are quite a small and simple family. I love exploring different cultures and food and I am extremely fond of travelling. I am looking for someone who can be my best friend and has a balance of eastern and western values. I am very easy to get along with, so my partner should be equally as friendly, and be able to treat my family like her own. Someone who is loyal and trustworthy and will stay strong through thick and thin. A person who understands the value of marriage, and who is willing to compromise when needed. IA I will do the same for her as well.



Age: 50 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 34 / sunni

United Kingdom

Anas Khan

Age: 45 / sunni

United Kingdom