

59 - Other

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Apr 22, 2024 10:21

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Islam rejects the concept of nationalism because it divides the Muslims.
Our Prophet (SAW) said دَعُوهَا فَإِنَّهَا مُنْتِنَةٌ “Leave it, for it is rotten”.
I go by the verse in the Holy Quran, "I am of the Muslims” but unfortunately today it is not sufficient to be just a Muslim.

My Religious Beliefs:
Free of all sectarian divide, I am a practical Muslim and thus my present life is a reflection of my religious beliefs.

Sometimes circumstances bring changes in one's life and some grey hair in my beard are a gift of that.
I can hide those, like others but I am not in need of that.

Marriage Age:
وَٱللَّهُ لَا یَسۡتَحۡیِۦ مِنَ ٱلحَقِّ

Allah does not shy from the truth.
Chapter: Al-Ahzab Verse 53

One of the desires which the mankind has been created with, is the desire of intimacy. Through marriage in Islam, this relationship becomes act of worship and thereby it is vital for couples to address and fulfil each other’s needs.

Islam does not object to age difference between couples as long as a man can fulfil the rights of a woman.

الحمد الله
I am fit & active. 5'10 tall and weigh 76 KG with athletic body.

To convey that I am quite aware of what is on the other side of the fence where I find most people today, I have uploaded on my profile, slightly blurred photos of mine from the yesteryears.

While my mother and siblings all reside in United Kingdom with their families, the life brought me to United Arab Emirates and I have been here for a number of years now.

I am divorced and have been living alone for the last 3 years.

I would describe myself as a kind, soft hearted and a family-oriented person.

I am honest and outspoken individual who hates lies and deceit.

It is most hateful in the sight of the Almighty Allah that one does not act upon what one says.

I like cooking, painting and in order to do some good in life, I love charity work.

I believe in mutual respect and open communication and currently looking for a marriage partner who is caring.
Someone who can view right as right and wrong as wrong.

Someone who is willing to progress in learning more about Islam alongside with me in this life journey.

Beauty varies from one viewer to the other, with no disregard to anyone and thus to avoid spending days talking to each other and then only to find out that we are not compatible and have bad feelings, I would prefer to see a photo of anyone interested.

If you find common values between yourself and me here and would like to discuss anything further then I can send you, my contact details so that we can move along.

May the Almighty Allah Subhana wa Tala bless you and look after you in all situations.


The kind kind

Age: 38 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 19 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 46 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 26 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 45 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 49 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 27 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 18 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 53 / sunni

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom