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28 - Sunni

Wisconsin, United States

Feb 22, 2023 14:30

Step one : pick what kind Nursing home you want to have?
-kinds and teen
-mental health patients
-and patient with autosom

Step Two: Define the level of care your group home will offer? (define the service you offer and pricing)
-Senior- Will require constant medical attention
-will you be restricted to teens who have serious behavioral challenges or will you charge a one-time flat fee per month or will you be a daily rate

*What does your short and long term contract for your business look like?

Step Three: Apply for federal EIN number and form of LLC or Corporation. ( need name for the group home, and you have registered it

Step four: what are Wisconsin rules and regulations to operate a group home. Obtain all necessary licensing and be prepared for state inspection.

Step Five: set up a business bank .

Step Six: make sure you are branding ( make sure you do a website) you can set up a merchant account where your customer can pay you there and manage all the funds coming in and coming out . Some of the merchants you can use include square, and even over the phone.

Step seven: purchase or lease a property. Keep in mind some states require certain specific requirements in order to house any resident. ( contact the dept state of health. The more comfortable your group home is, the more clients you will attract and the more profit you will make.

Step eight: Make sure your client have reliable vehicle for transport, accommodate walkers, wheelchairs in order to transport this resident to doctor appointment and any other

Step nine: Employee - you would need find someone who can prepare meals for the resident, mange medication, housekeeping and transportation Hire certificate employee like cna and or medical staff before

Step 10: before you can accept a resident , you need to make sure your business is protected against any potential lawsuit. It is important to involve a personal attorney to prepare all of your contracts and your policies so now you and your resident are both informed of what to expect.

*local community center, senior center ,hospital and local clinics and it also wont hurt to start a lead generation campaign online or list you business in the assisted living directories online


Abdul Basir

Age: 40 / sunni

United States


Age: 28 / sunni

United States


Age: 44 / sunni

United States


Age: 42 / sunni

United States


Age: 29 / sunni

United States