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42 - Sunni

Port of Spain , Trinidad and Tobago

Feb 20, 2023 20:10

Looking for someone who can please her husband as a good muslimah and wife. Please be open to polygamy as well as my reasons for such a lifestyle are not ruled by lust but are honorable whether you believe it or not. If you cannot accept more than one wife then may Allah subhanu wa Ta'ala grant us the desires of our heart to find the right person for us. If I were to message you Assalamu alaikum, if you're not interested then reply wa alaikum assalam to me as it's courtesy, if you are interested then reply the full greeting wa alaikum assalam warahmatulahi wabaraktuhu. Shukran.



Age: 42 / sunni

Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago


Age: 45 / sunni

port of spain
Trinidad and Tobago