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28 - Sunni

Syria , Syria

Mar 29, 2024 21:49

I am a serious person at work. My personality at work is different from my personality with my family and friends With them, I will be a cute childish person who laughs a lot. I am a childish person but in serious times I will be the most mature person in the world. I am a Muslim and proud of that
If you ask me what is the perfect day ,will for me it is when I drink coffee with the sunrise and the songs of Fayrouz and the smell of roses
When I see the faces of everyone I love
When I play and hold babies and meet cool people
When I don't hear a fight on the road or at work, it's a peaceful day
when I go on a trip or outing with my family or friends
when all these things come together, this is going to be a wonderful, amazing day

Who I want to meet? I would like to meet an educated person who can talk about various topics (such as experiments, science, medicine, engineering, space, literature, politics and economics, philosophy). someone who can attract people to his words at the same time who can joke, laugh and play.Someone you will never tire of talking to for a lifetime Someone who is arrogant and serious in the eyes of others, but when he is near me, he will be the cutest man in the world, who shows his true personality to me only for me to be his special person



Age: 24 / sunni



Age: 39 / sunni
