

39 - Shia

Lima, Peru

Oct 6, 2021 00:41

I am cheerful and sincere human being, passionate about learning. I have visited many countries such as Thailand, New Zealand, USA, Iran, etc. I exercise often and like eating healthy.
Hobbies: I like reading, hiking and traveling,

I am a convert, embraced Islam 4 years ago, I dedicated time to learn more about religion everyday.

I am an engineer and work full time in my country. I like learning about technology, science and health

Looking for:
- I am interested to meet male muslims in their 30s that also enjoy the same things I do. I have a preference for shia muslims, however, if you are tolerant /respectful with my beliefs and have no expectations to change them and happy to start a conversation. Please don't send me negative messages about shiism, you wont get a response.
- Sense of humor is very important to me