

40 - Sunni

Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Jun 20, 2021 11:21

Assalamualaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu. Nothing to describe much.

I am calm, relaxed, patient, good listener, Knowledgeable, and funny sometimes.

Loves natural sceneries very much. Infact obsessed with the greenery and flowers and a deep perfume lover.

Love conversations very much on any subject. I am very kind, lovable, enthusiastic, Honest, deeply carer. Once, the trust gets build then my love goes beyond the boundaries and the rest is upto Almighty to safeguard the journey of a life from the evil eyes.

For me trust, honesty and reliability matters the most.

I am a graduate and can Speak English, Arabic, Urdu and Hindi. I am inclined towards deen. Deen is very important for me and I can sacrifice myself for the sake of deen. I would appreciate if my future prospect would hold similar values and beliefs or If someone is willing to accept Islam before or after marriage and would like to enter into Islam I would be glad and will be ready to teach, sacrifice and serve till the end of a journey of a life.

Life is short but in my opinion people must learn to compromise at every instance. Grudging and holding negativities will only lead us back after all we are human and is born to err.

You may ask me anything you may would like to and feel free to get in touch. If InshaaAllah everything goes fine and if our chemistry and thoughts matches I will then proceed for Marriage living within the boundaries of Islam.

Get to know me as much as you. Thank you and I wish best of luck to all the prospective soul partner seekers. May Almighty guide all of us at every Instance Ameen Summa Ameen.



Age: 39 / sunni

Saudi Arabia


Age: 23 / other

Saudi Arabia


Age: 36 / sunni

Saudi Arabia

Afaq ahmed

Age: 35 / sunni

Saudi Arabia