

34 - Sunni

Ontario, Canada

Aug 28, 2020 13:19

Bismillahir Rahmanirrahim
About me:
Date of Birth: 07/04/1990
Height: 5 ft 4 inch
Marital Status: Never Married
Alhamdulillah, I am a Muslim & always try to follow the Quran and authentic hadith. I try to listen to the scholars who lecture quoting references the Quran and authentic hadith instead of blindly following anyone’s opinion. Alhamdulillah, I perform five times Salah daily possibly with Jamah and have beard. I try to perform voluntary fast and prayer. I am eager to know about Islam more and more so that my way to Jannah along with my family becomes much easier. I have a dream to involve myself & my wife in lifelong Islamic research/study and doing something beneficial for this Ummah.
After finishing my BSc, Alhamdulillah, I got the opportunity to serve as a university teacher at one of the renowned Government Engineering University in Dhaka. I served there for five years as a university teacher. Before coming here (in Canada), I was promoted to Assistant Professor. But I left the job & have started my MESc from 2018. Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT not only blessed me with the opportunity to be an assistant professor in my profession but also honored me with the ability to receive GOLD MEDAL from the President of Bangladesh for my distinguishing result in MSc (4 out of 4). Alhamdulillah, in abroad, I am also blessed with the rare opportunity to get the current President of the Mechanical Engineering Society of Canada as my MESc supervisor. Alhamdulillah, recently, I am graduated and now, I am looking for a job.
We are two brothers only. My elder brother serves as a manager in a multi-national company [SBT Japan].
My father always performs five times Salah, possibly with Jamah. To my knowledge, he is an honest businessman and a caring father. He also regularly studies to know more about Islam from authentic sources.
My mother always performs five times Salah. She wears hijab. She is very laborious and a caring mother.
More about myself:
In this section I am going to express more about myself, my preferences likes and dislikes, etc.
I have a dream to make my children as a scholar of Islam with authentic knowledge from the Quran and Sunnah. So, I hope my spouse will help me in this respect.
I try to mix with people and befriend them who take their deen seriously.
I like to listen to the lecture of the people with the authentic knowledge of Islam. Scholars I listen to (from my home country are Dr. Manjur E Elahi, Dr. Imam Hossain, Dr Abu Bakar Muhammad Zakaria, Dr Saifullah, Motiur Rahman Madani) From International scholars, I listen to Dr. Zakir Nayek, Assim Al-Hakeem, Yusuf Estes, Dr. Tawfique Chowdhury, Yahya Ibrahim, Dr. Muhammad Salah etc.
I always try to avoid gathering or social occasions which involves the violation of the instruction of Allah SWT.
I am very eager to find various ways to reach general people through the authentic message of Islam and expect that my spouse will help me in this respect most. I seek the help Allah SWT to put barakah in this dream so that the mass people of ummah become more knowledgeable in terms of Islamic knowledge.
I want my children to excel more in Islamic education. According to my understanding, the upbringing of the children has become the most challenging task for the parents at present. So, I expect that sound knowledge regarding this aspect is invaluable in gaining which my spouse will help me most.
I wish that my wife will love to work most of the time at home either gaining knowledge of Islam & sharing it with me or spreading the message of Islam to humanity in as many ways as possible. I do not and in sha Allah will not watch TV.
In sha Allah I will try to perform my duties toward my wife in the best possible manner as demonstrated by the best husband (our beloved prophet (peace be upon him))but if I fall short in any aspect then I will be very happy if my spouse corrects me.
Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT has saved me from any kind of haram relationship & any kind of major health issues.
If you have anything more to know then please message me. I will be happy to reply back.
Jazakallhau Khairan.

Looking for:
First of all, I expect her to be free from any kind of Shirk and Innovations. I am searching for such a partner who is educated from authentic Islamic background or who is very much eager to learn about Islam. Who will prefer akhira over this Dunya.
I expect her neither to be happy if I become rich nor sad if I become poor. Rather she should be happy if I can contribute something for Islam and sad if I am not contributing to Islam or not maintaining the rules of Islam. I expect her not to be attracted by the pomp and glitter of this life. I expect her to opt for the divine happiness of Jannah. I expect her to strictly adhere to the Islamic rules and regulations and ready to correct herself if any mistake is found according to the Quran or authentic hadith. A similar thing applies to me also, if she found any mistake in myself should correct me instantly. I expect her to work with me together to attain Jannah. As a husband, I will try to be the best husband by following the footsteps of our beloved prophet (peace be upon him). I will try to do all my responsibilities as a husband, but as a human being if I fall short off sometime in sha Allah I will be happy if my spouse corrects me. Jazakallahu khairan for taking the time to read. Whether we match or not, may Allah SWT grant you a righteous spouse who will be the coolness of your eyes.



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