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30 - Sunni

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Aug 25, 2020 19:01

I'm starting to write about me in the name of Allah Sunhanahu-Ta'ala.
I'm a final year MBBS student.
I'll try to go for my Post-graduation degree after my MBBS InshaAllah..
I've finished my high school in Bangladesh.
Me & my family lived in saudi Arabia for few years(2000-2009).
My father is a Dental Surgeon.
My mother in a housewife.
I have one brother, studying Islamic higher studies.
My second sister is in first year of her Medical school.
My third sister is studying Islamic higher studies too.
My family is quite religious.
We're Sunni & Hanafi.

I usually keep me engaged in volunteering services or social works, mostly related to health.
I'm writing news for a Medical news website & willing to start my own blogsite soon, InshaAllahu Ta'ala.
Surgery, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry is my favorite topics.
I'm quite carrier oriented & would love to serve the community as a Physician in the future, InshaAllah..

I'm health conscious & a lil bit sportive.
So, i attended gym & a course on swimming last year.
Also attending my Kung-Fu classes regularly.
(I've done everything in my life in sister's only environment..Alhamdulillah)
I love to drive.
I also like horse riding,cycling,Bicycle riding(Not all types).
I have interest in archery too, but i didn't start it yet.

I'm a great fan of Turkish president Endogan.
I will love to live in Turkey & to serve them or serving all from there.
I'll try to go there to do my Post-graduation degree in future, if almighty Allah helps me.
I want to do something for all the Muslims around the world.
It's my dream to see all of them together.
I love to keep me up-to-date about all the international news,
specially regarding the Muslims.
My childhood heroes were Salahuddin Ayyubi, Muhammad bin Kasem, Tarik ibn Jiyaad & a lot of people like them.

I've a lot of interest in learning languages because, from my early childhood i like to communicate with the different types of people throughout the world.
Alhamdulillah, I've all skills about Bangla,English,Hindi & Urdu.
Currently learning Spanish, Arabic & Panjabi.
Laterly, i would love to learn Turkish & Korean, & if possible, then Russian.
But only If i get time & chance beside my academic studies..InshaAllah.

We're a traveller family.
We love to travel to see the creations of Allah.
I need a co-traveller in my life.
If you're not a traveller mindset, please do not knock me.

I also have efficiency in household chores.
I can cook anything..Alhamdulillah.
I always try new recipes of different countries, whenever i get time.
Besides cooking i can do all other household works & any program management too.
I like the men, who love cooking.

Sketching is my another hobby(From childhood)
Sometimes i try calligraphy.
I want to be professional at Calligraphy in future InshaAllah..
I want to work for the people, who are depressed(specially the war victims).

I'm extroverted & free minded.
I don't like conservative/Over conservative mentality. Rather my partner have to be very friendly towards my everything.
I use hijab & niqaab, & try to maintain it in any condition..Alhamdulillah.



Age: 40 / sunni


Rubaiya Snigdha

Age: 35 / sunni



Age: 37 / shia



Age: 35 / shia



Age: 40 / sunni
