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30 - Sunni

West Midlands, United Kingdom

Jun 2, 2024 00:42


A bit lengthy but worth the read hopefully?

I’d say I’m pretty self aware and have a lot of things I would like to work on. I’m a bit of a deep and reflective kind of person and am quite in tune with my own emotions, so I often find myself doing things because it 'felt' like the right thing to do. I am quite sensitive to my environment/ external stimuli so I really dislike crowded, noisy, loud, fast paced, over-stimulating places/people. I really value my downtime as it allows me to recharge and process everything in my own time.

Some words I would use to describe myself are: warm, soft hearted, caring and understanding. I am very shy at first but can be quite chatty once I am more comfortable and talking about something that I’m passionate about. I am a very homely kind of person and enjoy spending time with my family whether that’s going out with them or baking with the nephews and nieces. I do sometimes like to go the extra mile to make homemade things for special occasions such as decorations or baked goods to give as gifts on Eid, I used to absolutely love crafting things when I was younger (out of paper I mean.. not evil schemes :/ )

I’m quite inquisitive about people and their behaviors and this helps me to have Husn adh-dhan (a good opinion) of others as oftentimes I just feel like peoples misbehaviors stem from a place of pain, fear and not having basic needs met and really I think that requires the receiver to just be curious and have some compassion and understanding. Here I go again… but I really do dislike it when people speak badly of others especially if they are being misunderstood. Character is very important to me and the way a person deals with another of Allah SWT's creation I think says a lot about a person.

I think I’m pretty traditional when it comes to my outlook on life, especially in regards to gender roles. I am quite introverted and enjoy spending time at home so I think I would be more suited to looking after the home and children after marriage. This next bit might sound a tad bit exaggerated but I think I’d die if I had to go out there and work...

What do I enjoy? Good question and I guess there is still a lot for me to explore in life. I haven’t ventured out a lot (I’m secretly waiting for a special someone to take me out places). But so far I’d say I really value spending quality time with people, having heart to heart conversations on a road trip, on the train or in front of a warm fire at home (I totally miss our fireplace). I do like spontaneous adventures but I’m not the type to venture out on my own, I feel like the best part of the adventure is actually the company. I generally enjoy the quieter places so when I go out or travelling I do try and look for the more secluded spots rather than overcrowded touristy spots. I do enjoy marveling at the night sky and it is something that bring me closer to my Rabb and I’d really like the opportunity to visit a dark sky area one day inshaAllah –hope you’re making notes…

In the past I have dabbled into traditional arts and studied Arabic language to a basic level. I don’t like feeling pressured into learning and prefer doing things at my own pace. Sometimes I feel so touched by the most simplest of things and I feel like there is a lesson to be learnt even in the simplest of places. I’ve always wanted to spend time in the company of a spiritual teacher, I feel like spending time in righteous company has great benefit. Witnessing righteousness with ones heart feels like the deepest form of learning.

I’d like to find someone who’s presence allows me to feel safe enough to open up. Marriage is such a unique relationship and there are certain needs that only a spouse can fulfil. As time goes on I am becoming more aware of these growing needs. I have yearned for companionship –just knowing at the end of the day you have someone to share your joys and sorrows with.

Personality wise if any of these words resonate with you then do get in touch: sensual, sensitive, empathetic, compassionate, perceptive, intuitive or deep.

I have been watching Pakistani dramas recently and as you can imagine they are centred on the emotion of love. My Urdu isn’t the strongest but when a female character speaks of her spouse as her Muhafez it does stir a lot of emotion in me. This word entails a greater meaning of someone who cares for, takes responsibility and protects his woman. So essentially, I am looking for my Muhafez.

*Please note* I'm only looking to consider British citizens only. However am very open to relocating.

All the best with your searches and may Allah SWT grant us all Sabr in these testing times, ameen



Age: 33 / sunni

West Midlands
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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United Kingdom