

45 - Sunni

Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Mar 19, 2024 08:55

((First of all, scammers stay away - I can spot you a mile off. Don't: ask me to correspond with you through private email when we can easily chat here if we match; declare your undying love for me when we don't even know each other (lol); give me some sob story about how all your relatives are ill or dead and you need some money for something... . For those unfamiliar with so-called romance scammers, these are some of the tricks they use. They also won't respond at weekends and will often remove their profiles once they quickly get you off the site to communicate)).

Now that I've got that off my chest, I suppose it's time to big myself up...

I am not a scammer.

I am a mathematics and physics tutor, having previously worked as a teacher in secondary (high) school. I love learning and education. I am very logical, strict, have good manners, maintain high standards and, I have been told, am very funny at times too; my students used to tell me that they were scared of me when I tell someone off, but they like me because I am fair to everyone. Of course, I deal with kids for a living (I'm hoping that'll get me some 'potential-hubby' points !).

In case you think I'm a complete geek, I do have other interests: I watch movies, play sports, go for walks in quiet places. I also like to cook and clean (that is not a joke !).

Here are the stringent criteria for the type of person I'm looking for: non-smoker, non-alcohol drinker, non-drug user, non-tattooer. The list continues: someone who doesn't get angry quickly, who doesn't judge other people without getting to know them first, who is willing to work together to deal with issues, who can challenge me intellectually (that doesn't mean we must talk about 'intellectual things', just that we should be able to talk through things fairly and rationally), who is willing to learn more about the religion and grow as one.

Oh, and someone who makes the effort to smile

Not too much to ask for, is it ? I hope there are still people reading this !

Ultimately, looking for someone to complete my journey in the harsh realities of life according to the ways of the religion.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my long profile. Hope to hear from you soon - whoever you are !



Age: 38 / shia

United Kingdom

Good muslim man

Age: 26 / other

United Kingdom


Age: 28 / shia

United Kingdom


Age: 39 / other

United Kingdom


Age: 50 / sunni

United Kingdom


Age: 18 / sunni

United Kingdom